Modern Resumes: Why They Matter & How to Create One

Gone are the days of resumes all resembling lifeless, one-page copies of black and white script with predictable categories filled in with canned information that employers could likely recite without ever having read one word. The only thing that set one resume of old apart from the next was the smiling face that hand-delivered it to the prospective employer. In today's professional world, this process of networking and hiring simply isn't possible. As more people search for and find employment opportunities online, companies often receive hundreds of resumes from people of countless experience levels and backgrounds. For this reason, when you're applying to a new position, your resume must stand out from the rest. Here's how to make that possible.

Why Crafting a Modern Resume Matters

Presenting a resume that captures a manager's attention is the secret to moving to the next phase of the hiring process: the interview. Submitting an uninspired list of your qualifications isn't going to cut it in a job market that now expects employees to possess complex skills, specialized knowledge, and a vast array of accomplishments. If your resume doesn't draw the attention of a recruiter, someone else's will. To bring your resume into the modern age of the hiring world, it needs to be focused, consistent, and attention-grabbing.

How to Distinguish Your Resume From the Pack

While the format of your resume will vary depending on your career field, the content you should provide remains the same.


If you're a recent college grad, your educational background will be at the forefront of your resume. Be sure to include your GPA if it's high to showcase your strength as a student.


If you have experience working in the industry of the position you are applying for, your work experience should be the first thing a recruiter sees. Taking the time to research the job description you are applying for and tailoring your previous work experience to highlight your strengths that could be beneficial in your new role will be invaluable. Most recruiters won't have time to read every line of your resume, so make every word count. Be clear and concise by limiting each experience to two bullet lines each.

Qualifications & Skills

Resumes should only include your most relevant and significant information for a prospective position to ensure that it stays as clean and compact as possible. With this in mind, avoid including generic skills that don't tell a recruiter anything specific about your capabilities, such as “communication”. Generic terms such as these fall flat and won't help you stand out from the crowd. Rather, highlight specific attributes, training experiences, and specialized industry knowledge that will give you a competitive edge over other applicants.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Do you have experience volunteering, participating in sports, or a favorite hobby that could be seen as a strength to the position you're applying for? If so, be sure to include it on your resume under this category.

Cover Letter

Hiring managers may not have much time to go over every applicant's cover letter, but most of them still expect one with a resume. A cover letter is your opportunity to expand on experiences and strengths that you may not have been able to unpack in your resume. After researching the position and company you are applying for, be sure to emphasize how you are a problem solver and team player with concrete examples. It's important to be as descriptive as possible without being repetitive.

Resources for Bringing Your Modern Resume to Life

Writing a modern resume is the key to getting hiring managers excited to meet you. Check out these resources to help breathe life into your resume and show employers that you are the best fit for the job.

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge to create a strong, modern resume that is sure to impress even the most particular hiring managers, it's time to apply for your ideal position. The experienced team at The Hire Standard is passionate about partnering great talent with their dream employers in the San Francisco Bay area and beyond. Contact us today to find your perfect career fit. We can't wait to put you to work!