5 Ways Covid-19 Has Changed the Hiring Process for Good

Hiring practices have changed dramatically as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and many of these changes are here to stay. From virtual interviewing to remote onboarding, businesses have already adopted practices that are forever changing the future of work. Read on to learn five key ways Covid-19 has changed the hiring process for good.

1. Recruitment through telephone and virtual interviewing

While the initial recruitment process may have included phone interviews as part of their initial screening phase in the past, recruiters are now screening applicants through conference calls, virtual interviews, or a combination of the two approaches. New technologies are emerging all the time to accommodate this trend, and popular Interviewing tools include Skype, Go-To-Meeting, Zoom, BlueJeans, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, and others.

2. Increased responsibilities of virtual interviewing 

Like the initial recruitment process, the company hiring manager's screening process has also gone virtual, increasing the responsibilities of the interviewer. Hiring managers and recruiters who schedule the interview must make sure the candidate understands what equipment they need to have on their end. Interviewing companies should also perform sound checks hours before the virtual interview. In addition, the importance of thorough assessment increases, this Forbes article notes, as some types of testing that can only be done in person won't be able to take place.  Personality assessment software and other types of computerized assessments will play an increasingly significant role in determining whether the candidate is a good fit.

3. Virtual onboarding 

Be prepared to provide the majority of your onboarding for the new employee online -- and make sure the candidate is aware of the types of training that will take place during the onboarding process and that they have the skills and resources to be able to use them. As a result, supervisors will have to increase their own digital skills in order to use available training tools effectively.

4. Complying with new legal requirements 

Your company will have to devise clear policies for remote working. Those terms need to be divulged during the hiring process and should appear in the written hiring agreement and/or employee handbook. Your policies should include how many hours per day your remote employees are expected to work, and which furnishings, tools, or equipment they are expected to supply themselves. In addition, employers must be aware of any state and federal laws that dictate their rights and the candidate's rights when it comes to rejecting a candidate who cannot work remotely or on-site, or who has tested positive for COVID-19 during the screening process.

5. New developments in company culture and safety procedures

Most companies have already put into practice systems for taking temperatures, assessing the wellness of employees that show up for work, and communicating health and safety instructions. In the future, they'll also need to pay increased attention to physical staging, structure, and furnishings of the on-site work environment -- all while continuing to offer their employees an engaging and supportive workplace.

Final words on the new normal

As we move forward in controlling the spread of COVID-19, some precautions we take now during the hiring process may taper off -- but others are here for the duration.  Most likely, virtual recruiting and interviewing, increased assessments, an emphasis on safety procedures, and offering an improved company culture will remain with us. Also remaining with us will be the challenge of finding the right candidate through reduced physical contact and an increased reliance on technology.

Operating in the San Francisco Bay area,  The Hire Standard is a leading, high-end recruitment agency that has devised effective, reliable methods for assisting hiring managers with the hiring process. To get a head start on establishing and implementing a safe, effective screening process for your next job hunt, go ahead and contact us -- and get ready to find the best fit for your company!